
Stocking Stuffers for Your Wine Lover

Stocking Stuffers for Wine Lovers

I feel like I always forget stocking stuffers. I pick out gifts, I have everything wrapped and then panic two days before Christmas because I have nothing to go in my husband’s stocking.

If you are like me, you hate to just toss in a few candy bars and call it a day. You want what’s in there to make the person you love smile. For it to be memorable. For them to meet your eyes across the room and grin because you know them so well.

If they love wine- this list should fill up their stocking- and light up their face with a smile. There are affiliate links in the descriptions but no one has paid to be on this list.

  1. The Durand- If they love wine and don’t own this, they need it. The ultimate wine opening weapon. Defends against any broken or crumbling cork. I swear it is worth the $145 to never have to pour my wine through a coffee filter.
  2. Wine Glass Markers– As cute as wine glass charmers are I never remember to pull them out. They are small, and fiddle-y and frankly sometimes I need glasses to see what’s on the tag. I have always just had folks write their names on their glass. It washes off! This is a multicolored pack for eight for under $10.
  3. Wine Condoms – Slightly risqué but oh it makes me laugh every time. I may add this to every bachelorette gift for all time. It’s a tiny condom that fits over the neck of the wine bottle to keep your wine fresh. Honestly, I don’t know if they works- I’ve always given them more for the novelty and humor. This six-pack is $15.
  4. Wine Away Stain Remover – My personal favorite stain remover and what I have used in every restaurant ever. Spray on the red wine tainted fabric and wash in cold water. I have an industrial sized bottle in my laundry room, but this adorable 2 oz bottle is perfect to tuck into a stocking. $8 or less.
  5. Red Wine Stain Remover Wipes- for your Teeth! These handy dandy wipes are tucked in every purse I own. And my car. After a glass of red wine my lips go purple which I hate. It makes me look like a lush when I just had a tasting with a supplier at lunch. Or at 10 a.m. (this is my life!). They come in packs of 50 for $15.99.
  6. Champagne Bottle Stoppers: I feel like I am an evangelist for these! You don’t have to finish the entire bottle of sparkling wine, just because you opened it. These stainless steel and silicone stoppers clamp on to the neck of the bottle, keeping the bubbles in your bubbly. This is a two pack and totally worth the $10.
  7. ‘If You Can Read This, Bring Me a Glass of Wine’ Novelty Socks Our house has a plethora of novelty socks- my husband gets a kick out of them every time. And they are useful. These gems are $9.

If you are reading this at 2 a.m. on Christmas Eve… Just put a bottle of wine in there!

Need something a little more substantial for the wine drinker in your life? Check out the 2023 Ultimate Wine Lovers’ Wish List